CRYF - Grupo de Investigaciòn sobre Ciencia, Razòn y Fe
The website is in Spanish (few documents and resources available in English).
The aim of the Ciencia, Razón y Fe group (CRYF) is to promote the interdisciplinary study of questions concerning science, philosophy and theology. The group was founded in 2002 at the University of Navarre, following a series of interdisciplinary meetings between the founder Mariano Artigas and other professors, held over during the previous three years. One of the main aims of this research group is to offer teaching experience and documentation material to other professors and researchers interested in these issues. The group's current fields of interest cover the following topics: the origin of the universe, evolution, science and truth, science and religion, order, complexity and finalism.
Board of Directors
Javier Barnàcer Marìa, Santiago Collado, Francisco Gallardo, José Manuel Giménez Amaya, Rubén Herce Fernández, Juan Luis Lorda, Rafael Martìnez Romeo, Jorge Martìn Montoya Camacho, Enrique Moros, José Ignacio Murillo, Francisco Javier Novo Villaverde, Antonio Pardo, Sergio Sánchez-Migallón, Javier Sánchez Cañizares.
Universidad de Navarra, Campus Universitario, 31009 Pamplona, Spain
Founded by Mariano Artigas (1938-2006)
Tel: +34 948 42 56 00
Services and Resources
The "home page" presents recent articles and news of interest to visitors of the site. It also hosts a link to the area "interactive lessons". In the documentation section ("Recursos") some texts and articles of the members of the research group are collected, divided by themes. Topics are: the origin of the universe, nature and person, evolution, science and truth, science and religion, order, complexity and finalism. In the area there is a "Bibliography" which contains many reference texts (some of which can be downloaded directly online).
The "Multimedia" section contains video materials divided into the thematic categories of the documentation section.
A section contains an archive of lessons by Prof. Artigas that can be downloaded and consulted online. This section is also available in English.
You can contact, email and address questions, suggestions, opinions.
Religious Confession
The inspiration of the research group is Christian-Catholic.
Content quality review
Assessed on: March 2022