It happened on FEBRUARY 2


The Jesuit priest Christopher Clavius died in Rome. He was a German astronomer and mathematician. Under the papacy of Gregory XIII, he worked on the modern Gregorian calendar.


Bertrand A.W. Russell died close to his hundredth birthday, at Plas Penrhyndendraeth (Wales). He was an English philosopher, logician, and mathematician. A member of the Circle of Vienna, he was an exponent of neo-positivism and a staunch supporter of superseding metaphysics. He took part, together with the Jesuit philosopher Frederick Copleston, in a famous radio debate on the BBC about the existence of God.


Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science

The Encyclopedia, published by the Centro di Documentazione Interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede operating at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, provides new, scholarly articles in the rapidly growing international field of Religion and Science (ISSN: 2037-2329). INTERS is a free online encyclopedia.

Anthology and Documents

To emphasize and spread relevant documents within the scientific community, this section provides key materials concerning the dialogue among science, philosophy and theology.


Special Issues

We offer here a selection of comments and documents on special issues in Religion and Science, collected for anniversaries and/or for the relevance of the topics.